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LSEG reaches agreement
with UGSI Investment read>
Announces purchase of Affinity Energy Group read>
LightStarEnergy is a leading energy brokerage firm, serving commercial and industrial customers throughout the Northeast. Our mission is to help businesses improve their bottom line performance, primarily through the analysis of their efficiencies and existing suppliers. The taxing combination of economic uncertainty and escalating costs all increase the complexity of todays energy procurement function. Most businesses have in place what they need, it is our business to maximize their efficiency by reducing total cost, driving revenue and market share, implementing world-class quality, and decreasing risk.
Our vision begins with our people, experts in the forefront of the industry with the highest standards of professionalism, objectivity and integrity. Their experience and insight presents the proper framework to guide the identification of problems, and most importantly serve as the basis for recommendations for more effective and efficient ways maximizing your bottom line performance. We will show you ways to significantly cut overhead costs while maintaining the excellent level of service you are accustomed to receiving.
We understand that our reputation is as good as our selected suppliers. Our exposure to and relationships with numerous organizations, makes us aware of industry best practices. We will always act in the best interest of our clients, earning our role as trusted advisors based on integrity and overall impact.
Opens an office in NY
increasing market coverage read>

Daniel Lansky and Miriam Werner to sit on the board of Lakewood Township Energy Advisory Committee read>